Mac Power 1999 February
ResEdit 2.1.3
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File ResEd.h
Copyright Apple Computer, Inc. 1984-1990
All rights reserved.
Resource editor interface unit for instances of editors and pickers. This should be
included by any C implementation of a resource editor or picker. The
companion file ResDisp.a.o should be linked with the c module to build
the file for inclusion in ResEdit.
Pickers are given a resource type and should display all of that type in
the current resfile in a suitable format. If the picker is given an open call
AND there's a compatible editor, it should give birth to the Editor. The editor
is given a handle to the resource object and it should open up an edit
window for the user.
#include <types.h>
#include <quickdraw.h>
#include <lists.h>
#include <controls.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <events.h>
#include <dialogs.h>
#include <printing.h>
/* Standard menus exported by ResEdit */
#define fileMenu 2
#define newFileItem 1
#define openFileItem 2
#define openSpecialItem 3
#define closeItem 4
#define saveItem 5
#define revertItem 6
#define getThisInfoItem 8
#define getInfoItem 9
#define verifyItem 10
#define pageSetupItem 12
#define printItem 13
#define preferencesItem 15
#define quitItem 17
// Masks for AbleMenu - normally not used directly.
#define newFileMask 0x2
#define openFileMask 0x4
#define openSpecialMask 0x8
#define closeMask 0x10
#define saveMask 0x20
#define revertMask 0x40
#define getThisInfoMask 0x100
#define getInfoMask 0x200
#define verifyMask 0x400
#define pageSetupMask 0x1000
#define printMask 0x2000
#define preferencesMask 0x8000
#define quitMask 0x20000
#define disabledMask 0x1
// Mask combinations to be used in calls to AbleMenu.
#define fileNotOpen disabledMask + newFileMask + openFileMask + openSpecialMask + getInfoMask + verifyMask + pageSetupMask + preferencesMask + quitMask
#define fileNoPrint fileNotOpen + getThisInfoMask + closeMask + saveMask + revertMask
#define fileAll fileNoPrint + printMask
#define fileNoSaveOrRevert fileNotOpen + getThisInfoMask + closeMask + printMask
#define fileDA disabledMask + openFileMask + newFileMask + openSpecialMask + getInfoMask + verifyMask + closeMask + quitMask
#define rsrcMenu 128
#define rsrcCreateItem 1
#define rsrcOpenItem 2
#define rsrcOpenTemplateItem 3
#define rsrcOpenHexItem 4
#define rsrcRevertItem 6
#define rsrcGetInfoItem 8
#define rsrcCreateMask 0x2
#define rsrcOpenMask 0x4
#define rsrcOpenTemplateMask 0x8
#define rsrcOpenHexMask 0x10
#define rsrcRevertMask 0x40
#define rsrcGetInfoMask 0x100
#define rsrcDisabledMask 0xFFFFFE01
#define rsrcDisabled 0xFFFFFE00
#define rsrcRevertOnly rsrcDisabledMask + rsrcRevertMask
#define rsrcPickerNoSel rsrcDisabledMask + rsrcCreateMask
#define rsrcFilePicker rsrcPickerNoSel + rsrcOpenHexMask + rsrcRevertMask + rsrcOpenMask
#define rsrcRsrcPicker rsrcFilePicker + rsrcOpenTemplateMask + rsrcGetInfoMask
#define rsrcEditor rsrcDisabledMask + rsrcRevertMask + rsrcGetInfoMask
#define rsrcEditorPicker rsrcEditor + rsrcOpenMask + rsrcOpenTemplateMask + rsrcOpenHexMask
#define rsrcDITLEd rsrcEditorPicker - rsrcOpenHexMask + rsrcCreateMask
#define rsrcEditorCreate rsrcEditor + rsrcCreateMask
#define editMenu 3
#define undoItem 1
#define cutItem 3
#define copyItem 4
#define pasteItem 5
#define clearItem 6
#define dupItem 8
#define selectAllItem 9
#define selectChangedItem 10
/* Masks for AbleMenu - normally not used directly. */
#define undoMask 0x2
#define cutMask 0x8
#define editCopyMask 0x10
#define pasteMask 0x20
#define clearMask 0x40
#define duplicateMask 0x100
#define selectAllMask 0x200
#define selectChangedMask 0x400
#define editDisabledMask 0xFFFFF801
/* Mask combinations to be used in calls to AbleMenu. */
#define editNone editDisabledMask - 1
#define editClear editDisabledMask + clearMask
#define editCopy editDisabledMask + editCopyMask
#define editPaste editDisabledMask + pasteMask
#define editUndoPasteOnly editPaste + undoMask
#define editDup editClear + duplicateMask
#define editNoDup editDisabledMask + cutMask + editCopyMask + pasteMask + clearMask /* No dup or undo */
#define editNoUndo editNoDup + duplicateMask
#define editUndNoDup editNoDup + undoMask
#define editAll editNoUndo + undoMask
#define editAcc editUndNoDup /* for DAs */
#define viewMenu 130 /* Type pickers view menu. */
#define viewByIDItem 1
#define viewByNameItem 2
#define viewBySizeItem 3
#define viewByOrderItem 4
#define viewBySpecialItem 5
#define viewShowAttributesItem 7
/* Masks for AbleMenu. */
#define viewByIDMask 0x2
#define viewByNameMask 0x4
#define viewBySizeMask 0x8
#define viewByOrderMask 0x10
#define viewBySpecialMask 0x20
#define viewShowAttributesMask 0x40
#define viewDisabledMask 0xFFFFFF81
#define viewNoSpecial viewDisabledMask + viewByIDMask + viewByNameMask + viewBySizeMask + viewByOrderMask
#define viewNoAttributes viewNoSpecial + viewBySpecialMask
#define viewAll viewNoAttributes + viewShowAttributesMask
#define fontMenu 144 /* Font menu with menus already added. */
#define miscStrings 129 /* Resource ID of STR# resource containing the strings. */
#define miscStringsName "¥pMisc"
#define cantLoadSndErrStr 24 /* Snd picker error. */
#define sysStr 45 /* 'Sys', etc. used by LDEF. */
/* Text for selected errors */
#define errorStrings 132 /* Resource ID of STR# resource containing the error strings */
#define errorStringsName "¥pErrors"
#define genericErrStr 1 /* Returned by GetErrorText when no specific message available */
#define ioErrStr 1
#define writeProtectErrStr 2
#define diskFullErrStr 3
#define fileLockedErrStr 4
#define outOfMemoryErrStr 5
#define alreadyOpenErrStr 6
#define tooManyOpenErrStr 7
#define volNotMountedErrStr 8
#define resNotFoundErrStr 9
#define accessErrStr 10
#define resFileNotFoundErrStr 11
#define addResFailErrStr 12
#define removeResFailErrStr 13
#define resAttributesErrStr 14
#define resMapErrStr 15
#define fileNotFoundErrStr 16
#define eofErrStr 17
#define fileBusyStr 18
#define cantDecompressStr 19
#define arrowCursor -1 /* Used in the call to SetTheCursor to set the arrow cursor. */
#define theScrollBar 15 /* Width of a scroll bar. */
#define okChoice 1 /* Used for the OK button in dialogs. */
#define noDialog 0 /* Used with EditorWindSetup. */
#define noScrap -1 /* Used with GetResEditScrapFile. */
#define alertStringsName "¥pAlert strings"
#define revertResourceAlertStr 1
#define noTemplateAlert 2 /* GNRL editor */
#define cantPlayOnThisMachineAlert 3 /* snd picker */
#define cantPlaySndAlert 4 /* snd picker */
/* Consts for Resource menu string */
#define rsrcStrName "¥pResource menu"
#define rsrcCreateStr 1
#define rsrcOpenStr 2
#define rsrcListStr 3
#define rsrcOpenLists 4
#define rsrcOpenEditor 5
#define rsrcOpenEditors 6
#define rsrcOpenHex 7
#define rsrcRevert 8
#define rsrcRevertThese 9
#define rsrcResources 10
#define rsrcRevertRes 11
#define rsrcRevertThis 12
#define rsrcPatCreateStr 13
#define rsrcSICNCreateStr 14
#define rsrcDITLCreateStr 15
#define rsrcRevertItemStr 16
#define rsrcGNRLCreateStr 17
#define rsrcOpenTemplate 18
#define rsrcOpenPickerByID 19
// Character code constants
#define leftArrowKey 0x1c
#define rightArrowKey 0x1d
#define upArrowKey 0x1e
#define downArrowKey 0x1f
#define tabkey 0x9
#define enterKey 0x03
#define deleteKey 0x08
#define returnKey 0x0d
#define escapeKey 0x1b
#define periodKey 0x2e
typedef unsigned char Str64[65];
/* Alert kinds used by the DisplayAlert procedure. */
typedef enum { displayTheAlert, displayStopAlert, displayNoteAlert, displayCautionAlert,
displayYNAlert, displayYNCAlert, displayYNCStopAlert, displayCancelDefaultCautionAlert } AlertType;
/* Icon kinds used by the ChooseIcon function */
typedef enum { noIcon, normalIcon, reducedIcon, smallIcon,
onlyICON, onlyICNPound } IconType;
/* This defines the various types of icons handled by the icon chooser package.
Passing onlyICON in the IconKind parameter of the ChooseIcon function forces the
IconChooser to not allow reduced ICONs and SICNs. Passing onlyICNPound in
the IconKind parameter uses ICN# resources instead of ICONs. Passing any
other value instructs the IconChooser to support regular ICONs, reduced ICONs,
and SICNs (like in the MENU editor). */
/* Kinds of windows that support color in different degrees */
typedef enum { noColor, canColor, requiresColor } ColorType;
/* This structure is used by the GetQuickDrawVars procedure. */
typedef struct {
long randSeed;
BitMap screenBits;
Cursor arrow;
Pattern dkGray;
Pattern ltGray;
Pattern gray;
Pattern black;
Pattern white;
GrafPtr thePort;
} QuickDrawVars;
typedef QuickDrawVars *pQuickDrawVars;
typedef enum {textOnlyPicker, graphical1DPicker, graphical2DPicker} PickerType;
/* window types used to set the windowType field of the ParentHandle */
typedef enum {typePickerWindow, resourcePickerWindow,
folderInfoWindow, fileInfoWindow, resourceInfoWindow,
editorWindow, floatingWindow} PossibleWindowTypes;
typedef struct ParentRec *ParentPtr;
typedef ParentPtr *ParentHandle;
typedef struct ParentRec {
ParentHandle father;
Str255 name; /* Max 255 characters */
WindowPeek wind;
Boolean rebuild; /* Flag set to indicate that window should be rebuilt */
Boolean resWasntLoaded; /* TRUE if the resource should be released when the window is closed. */
unsigned char windowType;
ResType theResType; /* Type of the resource being picked or edited. */
short theResFile; /* The home resfile of the window. */
short codeResID; /* Resource ID of the RSSC resource containing the picker or editor. */
Handle theResToEdit;
} ParentRec;
/* ViewTypes to be used with the viewBy item in the PickRec */
typedef enum {viewById, viewByName, viewBySize, viewByOrder, viewBySpecial} ViewTypes;
/* Standard picker record */
typedef struct PickRec {
ParentHandle father; /* Back ptr to dad */
Str255 fName; /* Max 255 characters. */
WindowPtr wind; /* Picker window */
Boolean rebuild; /* Flag set to indicate that window should be rebuilt */
Boolean spare1; /* Not used here */
unsigned char windowType;
ResType theResType; /* Type of the resource being picked or edited. */
short theResFile; /* The home resfile of the window. */
short codeResID; /* Resource ID of the RSSC resource containing the picker or editor. */
Handle spare2; /* Not used here */
ResType rType; /* Type for this picker */
long rSize; /* size of a null resource */
short minWindowWidth; /* Use when the window is grown. */
short minWindowHeight;
ListHandle instances; /* List of instances */
short nInsts; /* Number of instances */
unsigned char viewBy; /* Current view type */
Boolean showAttributes; /* Show attrs in window? */
ResType ldefType; /* Which LDEF to use */
MenuHandle theViewMenu; /* The picker view menu */
long viewMenuMask; /* Which items are enabled? */
Cell cellSize; /* Size for special view. */
Str255 optionCreateStr;/* Create item menu text when the option key is pressed. */
} PickRec;
typedef PickRec *PickPtr;
typedef PickPtr *PickHandle;
typedef struct FloatingWindowRec {
ParentHandle father; /* Back ptr to dad */
Str255 name; /* Max 255 characters. */
WindowPtr wind; /* Floating window */
Boolean rebuild; /* Flag set to indicate that window should be rebuilt */
Boolean visible; /* Is the window hidden temporarily? */
unsigned char windowType;
ResType theResType; /* Type of the resource being picked or edited. */
short theResFile; /* The home resfile of the window. */
short codeResID; /* Resource ID of the RSSC resource containing the picker or editor. */
WindowPtr ownerWindow; /* Which window owns this floating window? */
} FloatingWindowRec;
typedef FloatingWindowRec *FloatingWindowPtr;
typedef FloatingWindowPtr *FloatingWindowHandle;
typedef pascal void (*DrawResProcPtr) (Rect *lRect, Handle theIcon);
/* Window Utilities */
pascal Boolean AlreadyOpen (StringPtr windowTitle, StringPtr windowName, ParentHandle parent);
pascal WindowPtr EditorWindSetup (short dlogID, ColorType colorKind, short width, short height, StringPtr windowTitle,
StringPtr windowName, Boolean addFrom, short windowKind, ParentHandle parent);
pascal WindowPtr FloatingWindowSetup (short WINDID, FloatingWindowHandle fw,
ParentHandle owner, Point where);
pascal void GetWindowTitle (StringPtr windowTitle, StringPtr windowName, Boolean addFrom,
ParentHandle parent);
pascal WindowPtr PickerWindSetup (ColorType colorKind, Boolean showTheWindow, short width, short height,
StringPtr windowTitle, short windowKind, ParentHandle parent);
pascal void SetETitle(Handle h, StringPtr str);
pascal WindowPtr WindAlloc(void);
pascal void WindReturn(WindowPtr w);
/* Extended Resource Manager */
pascal Boolean REAddNewRes(short resFile, Handle hNew, ResType t, short idNew, const Str255 s);
pascal void REAddResource(short resFile, Handle theResource,
ResType theType, short theID, const Str255 name);
pascal short REBeautifulUnique1ID(short resFile, ResType WhichType);
pascal short RECount1Resources(short resFile, ResType theType);
pascal short RECount1Types (short resFile);
pascal Handle REGet1IndResource(short resFile, ResType theType, short index);
pascal void REGet1IndType(short resFile, ResType *theType, short index);
pascal Handle REGet1NamedResource(short resFile, ResType theType, const Str255 name);
pascal Handle REGet1Resource(short resFile, ResType theType, short theID);
pascal Handle REGet1ResourceSpecial (short resFile, ResType theType, short ID,
Boolean *wasLoaded, short *error);
pascal Handle RENewUniqueRes(short resFile, long s, ResType t);
pascal void RERemoveAnyResource (short resFile, Handle theRes);
pascal Boolean RevertThisResource (ParentHandle parent, Handle theRes);
/* Routines used by pickers. */
pascal short DefaultListCellSize(void);
pascal Boolean DoPickBirth(ColorType colorKind, Boolean buildList, PickerType which,
short pickerResId, PickHandle pick);
pascal void DrawLDEF (short message, Boolean lSelect, const Rect *lRect, Handle theRes,
short id, StringPtr title, short maxH, short maxV,
DrawResProcPtr DrawResource, ListHandle lh);
pascal void GrowMyWindow (short minWidth, short minHeight, WindowPtr windPtr, ListHandle lh);
pascal void PickEvent(EventRecord *evt, PickHandle pick);
pascal void PickInfoUp(short oldID, short newID, PickHandle pick);
pascal void PickMenu(short menu, short item, PickHandle pick);
pascal short PickStdHeight(void);
pascal short PickStdWidth(void);
/* Routines used by editors. */
pascal Boolean CloseNoSave(void);
pascal Boolean NeedToRevert (WindowPtr myWindow, Handle theRes);
pascal void NoDoubleClickHere(void);
pascal void SetResChanged(Handle h);
pascal Boolean WasItLoaded(void);
/* These routines are used to start pickers and editors.*/
pascal void GiveEBirth(Handle resHandle, PickHandle pick);
pascal void GiveSubEBirth(Handle resHandle, PickHandle pick);
pascal void GiveThisEBirth(Handle resHandle, PickHandle pick, ResType openThisType);
/* These routines are used to feed events and menu calls to the appropriate picker or editor. */
pascal void CallDoEvent (EventRecord *evt, WindowPtr theWindow);
pascal void CallInfoUpdate(short oldID, short newID, long object, short id);
pascal void PassEvent (EventRecord *evt, ParentHandle parent);
pascal void PassMenu(short menu, short item, ParentHandle parent);
/* Miscellaneous utilities */
pascal void Abort(void);
pascal void AbleMenu(short menu, long enable);
pascal void BubbleUp(Handle);
pascal void CenterDialog (ResType theType, short dialog);
pascal Boolean CheckError(short err, short msgID);
pascal Boolean ChooseIcon(ParentHandle parent, short *IconResID, IconType *IconKind,
short dialogID);
pascal Boolean ColorAvailable(Boolean needColorQD);
pascal void ConcatStr(StringPtr str1, StringPtr str2);
pascal short DisplayAlert(AlertType which, short id);
pascal Boolean DisplaySTRAlert(AlertType which, const Str255 STRName, short STRIndex);
pascal void DrawMBarLater(Boolean forceItNow);
pascal WindowPtr FindOwnerWindow (Handle theRes);
pascal void FixHand(long s, Handle h);
pascal void FlashDialogItem (DialogPtr dp, short item);
pascal void FrameDialogItem (DialogPtr dp, short item);
pascal void GetNamedStr(short index, const Str255 name, StringPtr str);
pascal pQuickDrawVars GetQuickDrawVars(void);
pascal Rect GetScreenRect(Boolean roomForIcons, WindowPtr wind);
pascal void GetStr(short index, short resID, StringPtr str);
pascal Boolean HandleCheck(Handle h, short msgID);
pascal void MetaKeys(Boolean *cmd, Boolean *shift, Boolean *opt);
pascal Handle PrintSetup(void); /* Return type is actually THPrint */
pascal void PrintWindow (PicHandle toPrint);
pascal short ResEdID(void);
pascal void SetTheCursor (short whichCursor);
pascal void ShowInfo(Handle h, ParentHandle parent);
pascal Boolean StandardFilter(DialogPtr theDialog, EventRecord *theEvent, short *itemHit);
pascal void TypeToString(ResType t, StringPtr s);
pascal void UseAppRes(void);
pascal Boolean WasAborted(void);
/* Popup Menus */
pascal Boolean ColorPalettePopupSelect(WindowPtr whichWindow, Rect *itemBox,
RGBColor *whichColor, Boolean CQDishere, Boolean useColorPicker );
pascal void DeinstallColorPalettePopup(WindowPtr whichWindow, Boolean CQDishere);
pascal void DoPopup(DialogPtr whichDialog, short promptDialogItem,
short popupDialogItem, short *menuItem, MenuHandle whichMenu);
pascal void DrawColorPopup(WindowPtr whichWindow, Rect *itemBox,
RGBColor *whichColor, Boolean CQDishere);
pascal void DrawPopup(DialogPtr whichDialog, short whichDialogItem,
short whichMenuItem, MenuHandle whichMenu);
pascal void InstallColorPalettePopup(WindowPtr whichWindow, Boolean CQDishere,
Boolean isActive);
/* Routines that are used internally within ResEdit and may be useful in other
circumstances. */
pascal short BuildType(ResType t, ListHandle lh);
pascal Boolean CompressedResource(Handle theResource);
pascal void DoKeyScan(EventRecord *evt, short offset, ListHandle lh);
pascal Handle DupPick(Handle h, Cell c, PickHandle pick);
pascal void GetErrorText (short error, StringPtr errorText);
pascal short GetResEditScrapFile(void);
pascal Boolean GetType(Boolean templatesOnly, StringPtr s);
pascal ResType MapResourceType (Boolean editor, Handle theRes, ResType origResType);
pascal Boolean PlaySyncSound(short which, Handle sndHandle);
pascal short ResEditRes(void) =
{0x3eB8, 0x0900}; /* move.w CurApRefNum,(sp) */
pascal void ResourceIDHasChanged (ParentHandle parent, ResType theType, short theOldId, short theNewId);
pascal Boolean RestoreRemovedResources (PickHandle pick);
pascal void ScrapCopy(ResType theType, Handle *h);
pascal void ScrapEmpty(void);
pascal void SendRebuildToPicker (ResType theType, ParentHandle parent);
pascal void SendRebuildToPickerAndFile (ResType theType, ParentHandle parent) ;
pascal short SysResFile(void);
pascal ListHandle WindList(WindowPtr w, short nAcross, Point cSize, short drawProc);
pascal void WindOrigin(WindowPtr w, ParentHandle parent);
pascal void WritePreferences (ResType prefType, short prefId, const Str255 prefName, Handle prefHandle);